Monday, August 10, 2009

Spud Ride 2009 blog site!

Yea Haw, the spud ride has gone web crazy. It has a blog site and is going into its 4th year! Pass the word around to all wanna be spuds that the ride is scheduled for Saturday, September26th. I am throwing in some twists this year.

1- The ride will begin and end at Jeremy Haags home. He lives about 1 mile from the lakes. I will post his address closer to the event date. The reason for this is twofold. One reason is to eliminate any legal ramifications brought upon us by the parks dept. and two is so after the ride we can parrrtee.

2- This year, beer is included with your participation. Thats right, free beer! However, donations are strongly encouraged. Scroggy will be supplying a large selection of tasty sippies. Like some good IPA's and other fine brews.

3- Year 4! WOW...Who can name the only riders to complete all previous 3 flee's?

4- Great awards at the post race pow wow. Including: The passing on of the King Spud trophy. Matt Keller will be scrutinizing all riders and making this most important decision. I will "knighting in" the 4 time spud finishers with a special ceremony.

5- So many questions and so few answers...plan on making it. This year will be special...I promise!

Keep checking in for updates and let me know if you want the user name so you can post your memories, ball busting or anything else. All you spuds are like family.
Spud Paul

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